Now this is a brilliant thing.'s dangerous. As, as it stands, it is going to be very unlikely you are going to find any new music on Spotify. That is, music you don't already like. I have very much enjoyed listening to loads of albums that I would never have any desire to buy. However they are all bands/artists I have already heard of and liked. So if this trend is to continue, where is all the new music going to come from? Where are people going to find their next favorite band?
Then again...It is much easier to introduce friends to new music if they and the band are both on Spotify. It's as easy as one button or an e-mail. There is no need for the "oh I will bring the CD in." or "I will make you a tape". Sites like ShareMyPlaylist ( are offering site visitors the opportunity to create their own spotify playlists and then share them with friends. This is certainly one way that people will discover new songs/artists they may like.
I think that with the advent of "free" music. Well advertising funded. People will actually be able to listen to more music, and therefore as a record label it is vitally important to build a network of friends, fans, and advocates of any up and coming band. If stupid videos and vouchers for pizza hut can "go viral" and be sent to 000's of others. Then I don't see any reason why good, interesting, different, bands cannot do the same. Then new fans can instantly listen to them on Spotify.
There may be more bands than there have ever been, there may be more channels than there have ever been, but I think that it has never been easier for good music to receive a following. Suddenly bands don't need a big label to make it big. Suddenly bands don't need a label at all.
If Spotify sounds the death toll of the traditional music industry, what is likely to rise in it's place is a much more democratic, social, and quite possible better music industry. There will be less money in it certainly. But any band who really goes into the music industry wanting to be a millionaire is better putting their talents to banking.....then again.
Download it here......100% free.
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