I had the privilege recently of meeting one of the UK's most respected political bloggers. He runs the blog Guido Fawkes (www.order-order.com). This site have broken some of the major political stories of the past few years, and been keeping people reading the Telegraph as they release day after day more stories of MPs expenses. This is the blog that has in no small way been responsible for the downfall of over 5 government ministers. If that doesn't show the power of new media, i'm not sure what does. This blog isn't part of a major news corporation, it is funded by a huge corporation. The blog is independently run, again proving that in a digital age, small really is powerful.
In fact it is examples of sits such as this that really show that the media new order is, if not dead, but crumbling. Not since the Gutenberg press could one talk to so many so cheaply. Suddenly you don't need to be given permission from a major publisher to speak to people, it's now up to consumers to decide if they want to listen. And given the Guido Fawkes example, they are listening, in their thousands.
It is no good anymore for big advertisers to out shout and out spend their competitors (although there is no point in ignoring the fact that it helps). They also have to out think and out create them too. An example of this is Innocent drinks (An overused but still high interesting example). Innocent drinks were not backed by a large corporation (Although tragically they are now after Coca-Cola brought a share in the business). Innocent drinks used a good product, an inclusive tone of voice, and rather than seeing the relationship as product/consumer. They saw it as friend talking to friend. They offered free tasting, held their own festival, covered their delivery cars in flowers and much more besides.
Innocent understood it's not how loud you should, it's how much people listen. It's not about talking to as many people as possible, as much as possible. It's about talking to many fewer people, all the time, in a way that they actually want to here. It's about having more conversations, and actually listening to the responses. If you can connect and interest people, in something as a company you believe and find interesting, then you don't need to worry too much about marketing at all, you customers will do it for you, for free, willingly. And if you need an example of how powerful that it you only need to try and find an advert for Google.
Saturday 7-Up
18 hours ago
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